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Approved Minutes 9/16/2014
SEPTEMBER 16, 2014

The Salem Public Art Commission (PAC) was held on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Roll Call
Those present were: Norene Gachignard, Ellen Hardy, Lillian Hsu and Claudia Paraschiv
Absent: Victor Miguel Cruz, Juliette Fritsch and J. Michael Sullivan

Also present, Deborah Greel, Public Art Planner

The meeting was opened at 6:00pm.

Election of Chairperson
Lillian Hsu made a motion to nominate Norene Gachignard for Chairperson of the PAC,  seconded by Claudia Paraschiv.  Motion passes 4-0.

Approval of Minutes
Lillian Hsu made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 28, 2014 meeting, seconded by  Ellen Hardy. Motion passes 4-0

Draft of Work Plan 2015
Commission agreed to discuss each initiative in the work plan.

Initiative One:  Artbox
Discussion: Hsu asked for context of Artbox program.  Greel provided the background of the program. Hsu suggested the PAC concentrate on a ‘new chapter’ for public art creating a broader vision and to use the interest in the Artbox program to think on a larger scope creating new energy and longer vision.
Hsu suggested using the Artboxes as three dimensional objects to create a more sculptural form. Paraschiv suggested an interactive map for the current Artboxes and to create community events in Artbox locations.  
Hardy suggested reducing the number of boxes each year.
Hsu suggested a moving the ArtBox program as a separate item in the Planning Department budget.

Initiative Two:  Artists’ Row
Discussion: Hardy, the president of Salem Arts Association which is a current tenant in Artists’ Row, said the selection of artists in early spring makes it difficult for potential tenants to prepare enough artwork to fill their spaces to begin the season.   Gachignard agreed and suggested sending out the call for artists/artisans in November. Hsu said Artists’ Row needs to engage the community, be a vibrant space and a gateway to the space that encompasses Old Town Hall.  She also recommended putting more emphasis on artisans/incubator spaces for small businesses.
Paraschiv said a short and long term strategy is needed.  Hsu suggested that the PAC form a position about Artists’ Row in anticipation of an upcoming public meeting to be held by the Salem City Council.

PAC will review the criteria for the call for artisans and rewrite them to encourage incubator businesses – encourage more retail and enliven the space.   

Initiative Three:  Selection of site specific art projects
Discussion: Hsu and Paraschiv recommended partnership with Salem Arts Festival for temporary installation (3 months) with kick-off at the festival which is in June of 2015. Paraschiv suggested a gathering of public art ideas from the public which could be put on the city of Salem website.

Write a Request for Proposals for Derby Square Space for a temporary installation for June, July, and August 2015.

Initiative Four:  Collection Management
Discussion: Gachignard suggested an outreach to the public to help with information about Salem’s public art and call it “Tell us about the art in your neighborhood” program. Hardy suggested that the inventory start in the downtown.  Paraschiv mentioned the city should have a digital platform for public art. Hsu said that there is good resource material on the Smithsonian website for best practices in collection management.  She also has examples of Gifts and Donation Policy which she will provide to PAC.  Greel told the commission she is seeking an intern from Montserrat College of Art to begin inventory of public art.

Hsu will provide Gifts and Donation Policy
Greel to work with Montserrat to engage intern to begin the public art inventory

Public Comments:
Mike Lash, a volunteer on the ArtBox committee and former director of Public Art for the city of Chicago, offered information about the utility boxes which need accessibility to the contents at all times from the various city departments. This limits any exterior sculptural installations.  He also suggested a moratorium on all permanent art pieces until broader vision is established by PAC


Hsu made motion to adjourn
Gachignard seconded: passes 4-0
Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm